Friday 2 November 2012

I Wonder Lonely

I wonder lonely as a cloud,
envious of the raindrops that travel together.
Jealous of thunder and lightening’s partnership,
of the wind’s power and
the sun’s warmth.

I watch as the trees dance together
in the wind.
Flowers grow in the sunshine
and ducks lavish in the rain,
as they skate together
across the river.

But wonder alone, lonely
as a cloud
observing the beauty that surrounds me,
hoping the grey will eventually lift and
let the sunshine break through.
Once more.

Manifesto to Myself (based on Geoff Stevens)

Mundane chores are an excuse to oneself
for not writing poetry.
For not being proactive,
for inactivity of expression,
for not having the time to sit down
and tap into a creative state of mind.

Pointless tasks are an excuse for
not writing poetry.
For not being playful with words,
for not thinking about how to be
and ‘misunderstood’.

They are an excuse to oneself.
And it often depends on how convincing
they need to be
on how busy I’ve been
doing nothing.

Season of Mist

Season of mist and mellow fruitfulness,
You hide under a cloak of a nice idea.
But this Tuesday morning you will be unveiled
as it pisses down with rain and a shit load of hail.

So now I’m trapped in my car
I now wish was a boat,
avoiding the inevitable,
pissed that I don’t have my coat.

I guess I could make a run for it
How wet would I get?
But I’m wearing swede boots
which I haven’t protected yet.

Why would you do this to me?
Why today?
I used to be so fond of you,
why would you betray me this way?

As I curse this season,
the clouds suddenly part,
the rain stops and brings joy to my heart.

I make a dash for it,
it wasn’t that far.
And I make it to Sainsbury’s.
I’ve left the keys in the car.

Silent Manifesto (based on Nick Prombino)

I the person had problems like anybody else.
Tired of never having any money,
wondering where my life would take me,
what kind of future will I have,
will I have enough money.
When will I have children,
when will I get married,
I wonder if he’ll have money.

I the person like anybody else had problems.
Am I good person, do my friends think
I’m a good person. Are my friends good people?
Do I have good friends, am I a good friend?
Do I need to lose weight, should I look more like her?
Do I like how I look, what do other people think?

While I the author have different problems like,
what will I write about next?
Will it work, will it flow?
Will it be liked and will I sound smart?
Have I included enough themes and imagery,
and complementary syntax and metre?
What is metre again?
Have I thought enough, have I thought too much?
Is my writing any good, are my classmates better than me?
So I the author wants to talk and silence
I the person.